How to create a surprise engagement ring
Planning a surprise proposal? How exciting! But also potentially daunting too, especially when doing so with a surprise ring. With so much to consider, I’ve put together a whole load of tips and advice for you to ease the process - and your nerves! From practical considerations to style conundrums, here’s your essential engagement ring guide.
Necklace of a lifetime
The story of Joan’s jaw dropping necklace. I don’t think in all these years I’ve ever made a piece so grandiose! Read Joan’s story here and see how we came to make such a magnificent necklace.
No Rules Jewels
If you’ve been here for a while you know that I love to create jewellery that will last a lifetime and beyond. To be worn and adored by those who are drawn to my aesthetic, no matter who you are, your age or personal style. I feel very strongly about this - and have written some thoughts on No Rules Jewels here, should you be curious.
Redefining your jewels
There are so many reasons your may have jewellery at home that's precious but unworn, here I talk about what repurposing is, and why it’s so powerful.
Ecologi - We are Planting a forest!
We constantly look for ways to be more eco-friendly. It's an ongoing process for us; we scrutinise all our suppliers, look closely at where our materials are sourced and choose responsibly sourced, fairtrade and fully traceable materials whenever possible. Another step we've
just taken is to join Ecologi, a brilliant organisation that helps us all contribute positively to the climate crisis by planting trees and supporting carbon reduction projects. From now on, for every £100 of jewellery sold in my online shop, a tree will be planted. Read all about Ecologi and learn how you
can get involved.